Hydropaneler drar vatten ur luften för Navajo-familjer

16 september, 2020 0 av Bra Nyheter
Bild lånad från https://www.zeromasswater.com/

Hydropaneler som med hjälp av solkraft kan dra ut vatten ur atmosfären låter ju toppen i torra och heta miljöer. Fantastisk uppfinning.

What if there was a way of pulling vapor from the atmosphere and bringing it through faucets as clean, drinkable water? Harnessing the power of the sun, Zero Mass Water’s Source hydropanels do just that.


“A standard, two-panel array, produces 4-10 liters of water each day, and has 60 liters of storage capacity,” said Cody Frisen, CEO of Zero Mass Water. In addition, each panel ”lasts for 15 years and utilizes solar power and a small battery to enable water production.”

Solar-Powered Panels Pull Water Out of the Air For Navajo Families Who Have None

What if there was a way of pulling vapor from the atmosphere and bringing it through faucets as clean, drinkable water? Harnessing the power of the sun, Zero Mass Water’s Source hydropanels do just that. Through a grant provided by the Unreasonable Group and Barclays Bank, an initial demonstration project is bringing this pioneering air-to-water technology to 15 Navajo households.